What's the best sleeping position?

We are sleep enthusiasts and the inventors of one the most loved mattresses in the world. As such, we get asked for our advice about all sleep-related things. One of the most common questions we get is “What’s your best sleeping position?” (or similar-worded queries such as “What’s your healthiest sleeping position” and “Which side is better to rest on?” Is it possible to sleep well at night in the foetus position? Is it better to sleep on your back than on your stomach? How about the starfish’, the free-faller’ and the soldier?

The answer is simple: whatever position you are comfortable enough to fall asleep is the best. The natural way that sleep occurs is through the use of sleeping positions. If you try to get to sleep in a position other than what you feel comfortable with, it will delay your sleep.

Some sleeping positions may not be recommended for everyone. Certain sleeping positions are not recommended for pregnant women, those suffering from sleep apnoea or with other injuries. Let’s look at these in greater detail.

Pregnancy – Due to the obvious physical changes during pregnancy, any position that requires you to lie down on your back is not recommended. However, there are some other positions that are better. With the extra weight of a growing baby, lying on your back can cause lower back strain. This can be something you can get enough of throughout the day. While sleeping on your right can lead to circulation problems and liver problems. It’s best to sleep on your left side during pregnancy.

Sleep Apnoea – This condition causes breathing pauses that last as long as thirty seconds and can be very frustrating. These apnoeas can occur hundreds of times per night, causing sleep disruptions and a decrease in quality. OSA sufferers should not sleep back as the tissue around the neck and throat can cause pressure and exacerbate the problem.

Injuries or Conditions – There are many conditions that can make it impossible to sleep in certain positions. The most common example would be back pain. This can eliminate most sleeping positions.

You can choose any position that feels right for you, outside of these situations. There is no ‘best’ position for sleeping. It’s possible to find the right position for you.

You’re asking a different question…

Because sleeping positions are naturally-occurring, you will inherently know which one works best for you. You may be asking about sleeping positions, but it is likely that you are really asking a much deeper and more complicated question How can I sleep better?

Good sleep is the result many factors working together. It can be difficult to pinpoint what is causing your problem because there are so many elements that contribute to your quality of sleep. You might find a simple solution or a complex problem that requires a long-term approach. These factors can be summarized in the following topics, even if you don’t consider any medical conditions.

Bedroom Environment The body is extremely sensitive to its environment, especially when it is about sleeping. It is vital that your bedroom is properly set up in order to promote good sleep. Consider lighting, colour schemes, layouts, temperature, distractions (TV, tablet, etc.) Noise levels. You only need one of these factors for poor sleep quality.

Food and Drink. What you eat, and how you drink it, are key to your body’s energy levels, and consequently, your sleep quality. Many foods and drinks are not compatible with sleep due to their energy-creating properties. However, there are foods and drinks that can promote relaxation that can be great for good sleep.

Lifestyle and Exercise – These are closely linked to diet habits and exercise. They also play a significant role in getting good sleep. How prepared you are for bedtime depends on how much energy you produce and expend throughout the day. Even a simple walk in the sun can help you sleep.

Mattress– Your mattress is an important factor in your sleep quality. However, it is often ignored until it becomes a problem. Every mattress has a useful lifespan. It is at the end of this time that performance starts to decline and your sleep quality will suffer. Regular poor sleep quality can lead to a decline in your overall health and wellbeing. It is important to know when your mattress should be replaced.