Memory foam has been a miracle in this sector. You will be surprised to know that it was designed for cushioning the aircraft seats by NASA. This brilliant design is used exceptionally to provide relief and ensure good sleep. This advanced design has led the industry to devise a hybrid memory foam mattress.

This mattress design incorporates coil-based support offered by the innerspring core on a thick system. The combination of thick support and innerspring system provides undistorted balance and support to the entire body. Motion transfer is minimal in this type of mattress. This model is cost-efficient in terms of spinal support and relief.

Advantages of hybrid memory foam mattress

Due to the innerspring core system, this mattress lets airflow inside resulting in the distribution of body heat during sleeping. It enables your body to control heat and give you a good sleep at night. All-foam mattresses are unable to distribute the heat and act as an insulator. Hence, a person feels hotter while sleeping in the same location. This quality of a hybrid memory foam mattress makes it superior to foam mattresses.

A person sleeping on a hybrid mattress can easily move positions due to the core design. The foundation gives ample support to the person, and they can easily change their sleeping position. It means that a hybrid memory foam mattress can support position changes during sleep.

Due to sturdy edges, you will get exemplary support and can use the entire surface area to sleep well. The mattresses will not sag on prolonged use.


The core construct of a hybrid memory foam mattress will help you get good sleep at night for a long period. Thus, it is a cost-efficient choice.