How can I improve my sleeping? “Is it possible to improve my sleep?” is one of the most frequent questions we receive at RIC Sleep. Good sleep can have a profound effect on your health, and daily life. It’s a good idea that you try to get regular good sleep.

These are fifty easy ways to improve your nightly sleeping habits. These simple tips can make all the difference between a restless night and a peaceful sleep.

1. Exercise

Even the mildest exercise is a great way to live a healthy lifestyle that will allow to enjoy good sleep. You can give your body the chance to sleep well by being energetic and active during the right times.

2. Consider Sleep Phases

The body experiences five phases of sleep during a night of unassisted sleep. They range from light sleep (Stage 1) to deep sleep (Stage 4), and then REM sleep (Stage 5). Then, the body switches between different stages throughout each night. Each cycle can last around 100 minutes. It’s normal to feel partially awake during the night, and it’s perfectly normal. This is not indicative of poor quality sleep. It is important to not worry about it and to allow your mind to drift into wakefulness.

3.Breathe Easy

Deep breathing exercises can help you relax and get ready for sleep. It is possible to calm your mind by taking deep breaths and exhaling slowly over a period of time. This will help regulate your heart rate.

4. Avoid taking sleeping pills

Although sleeping pills and aids may be able to provide quick relief from sleep problems, they should not be used for prolonged periods of time. Regularly using sleep aids will cause your body to become dependent on artificial triggers for sleeping, which can lead to an increase in dependence and decrease in the chance of overcoming the original problem.

5. Take a Different Approach

Low-impact exercises that focus on both mental and physical aspects are nearly perfect for good sleep. They help to condition the mind and body. Yoga and Pilates are two of the most accessible and popular forms of alternative exercise. With a little effort, you can make good sleep a part of your healthy lifestyle.

6. Nap Wisely


A well-timed nap can give you a boost of energy to tackle the rest of your day. However, it’s not easy and could have serious detrimental effects on your sleep quality. You can get the benefits from a quick nap by sleeping in the afternoon around 2pm, when the body is experiencing its natural energy slump. The nap should be kept to 20 minutes to avoid falling into deeper sleep phases.

7. Bath Before You Go Bed

The body experiences temperature changes before and during sleep. A cooling down signals the onset of sleeping. A evening shower may help facilitate this process. The body adapts to the heat from the hot bathroom water. You can trigger the body to go to sleep by timing your shower for around an hour before bed.


Essential oils can have strong calming effects which make them an excellent choice for a sleep-friendly night’s routine. You can use them in many ways including in a bath, on diffuser sticks, or as a few drops on a pillow. Essential oils such as Ylang Ylang, Sandalwood, and Lavender are well-known for their stress-relieving properties. It is important to be aware that allergic reactions can occur with any botanicals.

9. Time Your Workouts

Although an active lifestyle can be good for your health, it is important to plan your workouts in a way that doesn’t disrupt your sleep. Give your body the opportunity to rest before you go to bed. Avoid late night workouts that cause over-exertion when it is time to wind down.

10. Know How To Get Help

It doesn’t matter how much you read about sleep and what best practices to use, the fact is that sleep can be complex and unpredictable. There are many sleep disorders that need medical intervention and diagnosis. Some sleep disorders, such as sleep apnoea and parasomnias, are well-known but require specific treatment because they can be linked to other medical conditions. It’s important that you seek professional help if you suspect you may be suffering from a similar condition.

11. LOSE Weight

Obstructive sleep apnoea is a serious sleep disorder. Extra weight can cause sleep problems. A healthy lifestyle is built on good sleep. An improvement in your sleep quality can be achieved naturally by making lifestyle and exercise changes. Regular good sleep will make it easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle and avoid any pitfalls that could lead to weight loss.

12. Busy Mind? Plan.

A racing mind, in which thoughts and worries seem to be running wild, is one of the biggest barriers to falling asleep. This is normal and is likely due to the fact that distractions from the day disappear suddenly while the mind is still active. If this is a problem you are having, it’s worth writing down your thoughts and putting them on paper. It’s possible to ‘unload your mind’ by simply writing down what you think about. The list won’t go anywhere. You’ll be better equipped to tackle it when you are well rested.

13. Let go of FOMO

Although social media is great for entertainment and information, it shouldn’t distract you from your sleep. Don’t be afraid of missing out. Check out for the night. Your body will be grateful that you were able to catch up with your social media feeds the next morning.

working from home

14. Create a Good Work Balance

It’s very different to have an active mind in a work environment. This is not the same as having a relaxed mind while getting ready for sleep. However, it can be difficult to switch between them. For those who work from home, this can be especially difficult. This can help you to have a more balanced work/life balance and a happier mind.

15. TRY Mindfulness

Mindfulness has been gaining popularity in recent years as people try to live more peaceful lives. Mindfulness is simply the practice of being mindful and present. Being present in the moment has many benefits. It helps you avoid worrying about the future or the past. These thoughts can cause insomnia and disrupt sleep. Though thoughts will come and go, mindfulness can allow them to pass without creating unnecessary stress. This is a great skill for dealing with active nocturnal minds.

16. Reserve Your Bedroom For Sleep

Avoid doing other non-sleep activities in your bed. This includes watching TV or using a tablet/laptop for long periods. This can delay the onset of sleep and subtly condition your mind to associate the bed with active stimulation, which in turn will energise you into awakefulness. You can automatically relax your mind by reserving your bed and, if possible, the bedroom for sleep.

17. Sutter The Noise

No matter how loud the noise is, it can disrupt sleep. The problem of noise pollution is dependent on the source and therefore it is not always possible to solve it. A simple set of foam earplugs could be the solution. This inexpensive, low-cost noise prevention tool can make the difference between a long, tiring, and frustrating night, and a peaceful, uninterrupted sleep.

18. Keep Cool

During sleep, the body experiences many complex processes. Although thermoregulation is something the body naturally does, it’s important that you have the right temperature in your room to prevent disrupting your sleep. For good sleep, a temperature between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit is the ideal. Anything cooler or warmer will likely cause your body to react and cause restlessness.

19. Aim for a Blackout

The power of light can be a powerful trigger to energise the body. Make sure your bedroom is as dark as you can. You can invest in blackout blinds/curtains or, if this is not possible, a simple eye-mask.

20. Create a Sleep Haven

A bedroom that promotes relaxation is a key factor in improving your sleep quality. As much as possible, remove everything that isn’t related to sleep. Your bedroom should be unmistakably focused upon sleep. It will have a powerful and immediate calming effect on you when you are in it.

21. Clear The Clutter

A messy bedroom can hinder your ability to fall asleep. A neat bedroom is conducive to a calm, peaceful environment that allows the mind to drift off into sleep.


22. You Snooze You Loose

Even though it might seem like the best thing in the world to hit the snooze on your alarm when you aren’t ready to get up, those extra minutes can be costly. Even if you fall asleep in a matter of seconds, your body will be awakened from a sleep cycle that isn’t meant to wake you up when the alarm goes off. This is simply prolonging the feeling of lethargy throughout the day.

23. Consider Colours

Your bedroom’s dominant colour can have a profound impact on how you feel. There are many colour theories in interior design. However, it is worth starting with ‘warm’ and “cool” colours. For example, reds and yellows in the warm colour palette can bring out energy and vibrancy. While ‘cooler blues and greens create a more relaxing atmosphere, making them more suitable for bedrooms.

24. Respect Sleep

Good sleep is essential for a happy and healthy lifestyle. It should be valued and encouraged. No longer is it a badge or honor to get a few hours of sleep every night. You are putting your health at risk by treating sleep as something you should avoid. Respecting sleep is the best thing for your mind and body.

25. Screen Free Winding Down

The light from TVs, smartphones and tablets is a replication of sunlight, which causes a strong response in the body. Bright screens are stimulating your body to be awake and energetic in the evening, which is the opposite of what you need for bedtime. You’ll be able to fall asleep faster if you reduce screen time during those hours. This will promote a natural sleep pattern throughout the night.

phone in bed

26. Keep a Regular Sleep Pattern

The body’s circadian rhythm (sometimes called the sleep/wake cycles) is a measure of energy fluctuations over 24 hours. You can help keep your body’s circadian rhythm in sync by following a consistent schedule for going to bed and getting up at the same time each day. This will reduce the chance of sleep disruption.

27. Listen To Music

Music is a relaxing and enjoyable way to spend your leisure time. While it is up to you to decide what music will work best, classical and ambient music are great for creating a calm, relaxing vibe.

28. Keep a SLEEP DIARY

It can be very helpful to take notes about your sleep in order to improve your sleep. You can find important details such as when you went to sleep, how long it took to fall asleep, what time you woke up, and what you ate the night before. A sleep diary can be helpful in identifying any problems.

29. Get Your Morning Routine Right

Positive activity is a morning routine that focuses on getting out of bed quickly after you wake up, eating a healthy breakfast and getting outside. This sets your body up for the day and helps you to act well until bedtime. A good morning routine will improve your appetite, energy levels, and motivation. This will also help you sleep better.

30. A Positive Sleeping Technology is Available

Technology doesn’t have to be a hindrance to good sleep. Some apps and devices can deliver positive results. You can improve your sleep hygiene by using the right technology, such as sleep-tracking apps and wearables and white noise machines.

31. Read A Book

Reading is the best activity to relax before bed. Use a light that is bright enough to not cause eye strain, but not too bright to wake you up. Avoid reading any pulse-racing literature.

32. Get Outside During The Day


Daily exposure to natural sunlight is essential for regulating the body’s circadian rhythms and expending energy at the correct times. The result is a naturally relaxed body ready to sleep at bedtime.

33. Eat Right

Sleep and diet are closely linked. The body’s energy needs determine how hungry you will be. Bad sleep can cause the body to be in an emergency state, requiring quick energy. This can cause poor food choices, high-fat junk foods, and disruptions in meal times. These foods can cause a sudden surge of energy, which is often followed by a sudden slump. And so the cycle starts again. This can cause a host of problems, but it is especially detrimental to sleep. It often leaves the body completely unprepared for bedtime, which leads to poor nights and the cycle starting again. A good night’s rest gives your body the energy it needs to get you through the day.

34. Do Not Eat After 5:00pm

Make sure you allow enough time for your evening meal so that it can fully digest before you go to bed. Avoid spicy or heavy foods, which may take longer to settle.


Many foods contain sleep-friendly ingredients that can help you relax and get to sleep in the hours before bed. Blueberries, cherries, almonds, kale, and blueberries are all examples of foods that can help improve sleep quality. The various content like potassium, tryptophan, and magnesium aid the body to produce sleep-inducing hormonal hormones.


It’s a common saying that breakfast is the most important meal of every day. However, this can have a significant impact on your sleep quality. A healthy breakfast will set you up for the day. You’ll be more likely to eat regular meals and avoid snacking between meals that can cause sleep disruptions.


Some herbal teas have very effective botanical properties. Some of the most effective relaxants are valerian root, lavender, and chamomile.


Even if consumed throughout the day, drinks that contain excessive amounts of caffeine (energy drinks and large high-street coffees), can have a negative impact on sleep. Consuming high amounts of caffeine can cause a powerful energy surge that will often lead to a sharp slump that will require additional high-energy drinks to recover from. It can also disrupt your mealtimes and general diet much in the same way that junk food.


It is often misunderstood that alcohol and sleep are linked. Although excessive alcohol intake can lead to tiredness and a rapid onset, it does not promote good sleep. Diuretic alcohol can cause you to use the bathroom more often than usual, interrupting your sleep. You will experience light, uneasy sleep which prevents your body from going through the normal phases of a good night’s rest. Imagine feeling tired and irritable after a long night of deep sleep.


You should be aware of the amount of alcohol you are drinking at night. A large amount of alcohol, even if it is not very sleep-friendly, can cause insomnia.

41. Beware of Stealth-Caffeine

Caffeine, the known enemy of sleep is rarely discussed outside of the context coffee. Many foods and drinks contain high amounts of caffeine, such as black tea (aka English Breakfast Tea), and chocolate. These forms of caffeine are similar to coffee in that they slow down the onset and duration of sleep.


Freshly washed sheets are one of the little pleasures of life. It creates a feeling of comfort and relaxation. In a 2013 survey that was widely reported, we discovered that many people don’t prioritize cleanliness in their bed. Our most shocking find was that 55% single men between 18 and 25 washed their sheets an average of once every 3.1 months. It is important to remember that dust mites and bed bugs can be attracted to bedsheets left on the bed for longer periods of time.


The quality of your mattress will determine how comfortable you sleep. There are many ways to tell if your mattress is failing. These issues should be noticed immediately. Poor sleep can lead to poor health.


Everybody has a preferred position for sleeping, so it is important to make sure you get in it as soon as possible. This will reduce the likelihood of you falling asleep in an uncomfortable position, and it will also make it easier to fall asleep in the first stage of sleep. You should find the best sleeping position for you. If you are unable to sleep in it for any reason (e.g. a poor-quality or uncomfortable mattress, a partner who is disturbed, or other physical conditions), then it’s time to change.

45. Change your bedding with the season

It is important to regularly change your bedding throughout the year, as temperature can play a significant role in how you sleep. A spring/summer or autumn/winter duvet is sufficient to keep you comfortable and avoid disturbing your sleep.


When it comes to bedding, pillows are often forgotten about. Poor pillows can ruin your sleep and cause unpleasant aches and discomforts. Pillows can be a very personal decision. However, so many things depend on them that it is worth looking for one that suits you.


It’s not surprising that pets can be calming and some people allow them to sleep in their bedroom. While there are many arguments against and for this practice, the most important thing is your sleep quality. You should get rid of your cat or dog if they are occupying too much space and disrupting your sleep in any way.



It is common to have a loud or restless partner. However, there are many reasons for it. It’s a win-win situation to teach your partner the basics of good sleep hygiene. They’ll be happier and have better sleep quality. Sometimes, the mattress can be to blame. Even the smallest movement can cause creaking or a “roll-together” sensation. It’s time for a better mattress. It could indicate that your partner is suffering from sleep apnoea. They should be evaluated to ensure they don’t have any further health problems.


Your choice of what you wear to bed can affect how restful or good your sleep is. You can have a personal preference, so it’s up you to choose what suits you best. However, if your nightwear is affecting your sleep, it may be time to get a new one.

50. GET UP

It can be beneficial to get out of bed when you’re struggling to fall asleep. This may sound paradoxical but by remaining awake, you are subtly conditioning the mind to associate bed with wakefulness. This situation is conducive to mind wandering and active thinking. Despite all its mysteries, we know that sleep cannot be forced. You can reset your mind by getting out of bed and reading.